Welcome, Let’s Have a Chat...
This website, my website, www.drmichaeldenk.com, reflects my thoughts, opinions, experiences, and views.
Sure, it’s meant to be informative, but it’s not meant to be encyclopedic…not even “Wikipedia-ish.” I’d like this space to be authentic, readable, relevant, helpful, and entertaining. My website is written in the third person, the blog portion of my website is in the first person. This and every post on this site is written BY ME…not written for me, nor about me, nor by third-party content creators. Not here. “Been there done that” as they say. Moving forward.
Having plastic surgery is a personal choice, being a plastic surgeon was a personal choice I made, and one I wouldn’t trade for the world.
I love my job, and if you didn’t already know that…I enjoy getting out of bed and going to work. I’m very fortunate. Also, I consider myself to be a sincere individual who doesn’t take himself too seriously. My intent is to create something different, something you can’t template, or write, or code for. The information and the opinions I’m sharing are mine. The content which is posted has been thought of, written, and edited by myself. It’s like so much of life, it’s my choice. It’s personal.
So, is everything I post factual? Absolutely not. Is everything your doctor tells you factual? No, it isn’t. It’s authoritative. It’s based on his/her training, education, experience, and current mindset. The same applies here. What I express is based on my clinical experience-that’s nearly 27 years in private practice- continuing medical education, countless conversations, my own curiosity, and my perspective. I don’t think you’ll need to fact-check me, but you are welcome to. My website and blog should function in a continuum with my social media accounts. Honesty and integrity are important. Sharing my opinion and recommendations is a part of who and where I am. I’m an expert of a certain type…I know what I know, I’ve got decades of studying, observing, and performing plastic surgery behind me. I know a thing or two about liposuction, breast implants, HIPAA, tummy tucks, beauty, health, Botox, aesthetics, skincare, nutrition, fitness, exercise, and I’d like to start sharing some of it. Here’s hoping you’ll enjoy it.
Maybe you’ll be encouraged, challenged, confirmed, or curious to learn more. You may even be put off or annoyed, that’s okay. I’d like my efforts to provoke comments, questions, and challenges. A two-way street of conversation, not a billboard. I’d like nothing more than to start a conversation with you, prompt a stream of responses, ideas, and strategies. Is that idealistic? Sure it is, but let’s try give it a try.
Get started.